Welcome to the homepage of TBPLaS (Tight-Binding Package for Large-scale Simulation) !
As indicated by its name, TBPLaS is a package for building and solving tight-binding models, with emphasis on handling large systems. Thanks to the utilization of tight-binding propagation method (TBPM), sparse matrices, Cython/FORTRAN extensions, and hybrid OpenMP+MPI parallelization, TBPLaS is capable of solving models with billions of orbitals on computers with moderate hardware.
See Features for a summary of the features, or have look at the Gallery for demonstrations. If you are interested, you can Get the source code, Install it and start learning following the Tutorials.
- About
- Install
- Tutorials
- API Reference
- tbplas.Analyzer
- tbplas.Config
- tbplas.DiagSolver
- tbplas.FakeOverlap
- tbplas.FakePC
- tbplas.HopDict
- tbplas.Lindhard
- tbplas.MPIEnv
- tbplas.Overlap
- tbplas.PCInterHopping
- tbplas.ParamFit
- tbplas.PrimitiveCell
- tbplas.ProgressBar
- tbplas.SCInterHopping
- tbplas.SK
- tbplas.SOC
- tbplas.SOCTable
- tbplas.SOCTable2
- tbplas.Sample
- tbplas.Solver
- tbplas.SpinTexture
- tbplas.SuperCell
- tbplas.TestHelper
- tbplas.Timer
- tbplas.Visualizer
- tbplas.Z2
- tbplas.cart2frac
- tbplas.extend_prim_cell
- tbplas.find_neighbors
- tbplas.frac2cart
- tbplas.gen_kdist
- tbplas.gen_kmesh
- tbplas.gen_kpath
- tbplas.gen_lattice_vectors
- tbplas.gen_reciprocal_vectors
- tbplas.gen_seeds
- tbplas.get_datetime
- tbplas.get_lattice_area
- tbplas.get_lattice_volume
- tbplas.make_antimonene
- tbplas.make_black_phosphorus
- tbplas.make_graphene_diamond
- tbplas.make_graphene_rect
- tbplas.make_graphene_soc
- tbplas.make_graphene_sp
- tbplas.make_hetero_layer
- tbplas.make_mos2_soc
- tbplas.make_tmdc
- tbplas.merge_prim_cell
- tbplas.print_banner_block
- tbplas.print_banner_line
- tbplas.read_config
- tbplas.reshape_prim_cell
- tbplas.rotate_coord
- tbplas.spiral_prim_cell
- tbplas.split_list
- tbplas.split_range
- tbplas.wan2pc
- tbplas.window_exp
- tbplas.window_exp_ten
- tbplas.window_hanning
- Release Notes
- Contact
- Developers
- Publications