.. title:: Tight-binding Package for Large-scale Simulation .. meta:: :description: TBPLaS is a package for building and solving tight-binding models with emphasis on large systems. .. figure:: logo.png :alt: logo :align: center :scale: 25% Welcome to the homepage of TBPLaS (**T**\ ight-**B**\ inding **P**\ ackage for **La**\ rge-scale **S**\ imulation) ! As indicated by its name, TBPLaS is a package for building and solving tight-binding models, with emphasis on handling large systems. Thanks to the utilization of tight-binding propagation method (TBPM), sparse matrices, Cython/FORTRAN extensions, and hybrid OpenMP+MPI parallelization, TBPLaS is capable of solving models with billions of orbitals on computers with moderate hardware. See :ref:`features` for a summary of the features, or have look at the :ref:`gallery` for demonstrations. If you are interested, you can :ref:`get_src`, :doc:`install` it and start learning following the :doc:`tutorial/index`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents About Install Tutorials API Reference Release Notes Contact Developers Publications * :ref:`genindex`